Fantastic fiction

Lupina Ojala is a Swedish author of short fiction and novels. Her works include the fantasy novels Tårpilens år (Swe), Toner av guld (Swe), Shessandras hjärta (Swe) and a number of short stories published in Swedish anthologies. Lupinas first published work in English is a short story named The order of things which is included in the anthology Waiting for the Machines to Fall Asleep.

Forget about cheap furniture, meatballs and crime fiction. Sweden has so much more to offer. Waiting for the Machines to Fall Asleep contains twenty-six stories from the new generation of Swedish writers of science fiction and the fantastic. Stories ranging from space horror and post-apocalyptic nightmares to tender dramas. Stories with steampunk horses, android uprisings and cheeky goblins. Stories that are action-packed, wise, silly, beautiful, surreal and horrifying.

Find out more and download a free sampler: Waiting for the Machines to Fall Asleep

Novels in Swedish

Lupinas latest novel, released in 2020, is a vibrant story filled with dance, magic and dreams.